Love in the teacher-student relationship and its influence as a possible protective factor in the mental health of the teacher


  • John Albert Cárdenas Cuadros Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Mental health, Burnout, Education, Pedagogy, Teacher, Protective factors


In this paper aims to justify how love in the teacher-student relationship can be a factor of protection of the mental health of the teacher, for this, a series of arguments
are presented in which the importance of the said study is evidenced, it is based on identifying the characteristics and qualities that a teacher must have, which many of them have been inherited and assumed almost automatically by those who have seen in the teaching profession their life project. After this profile of the teacher, a series of socio-emotional and psychological risks of the teaching function is presented, in this section, a special mention is made of how teachers have assumed their role in the face of the pandemic generated by COVID-19 and the emotional implications that this health situation has generated in them. In the following sections of this paper, the concept of Love is developed from the theoretical perspective of Paulo
Freire, which must be the theoretical proposal that will guide this doctoral research project and some of the possible factors of protection of mental health associated
with the teaching profession are presented, finally, some conclusions are presented in which the clues that can allow relating the love towards the teacher, to their practices and their relationship with the students and the influence of these on the mental health of the teacher are enunciated.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Cuadros, J. A. (2022). Love in the teacher-student relationship and its influence as a possible protective factor in the mental health of the teacher. Ciencia Y Academia, (2).