Traumatic experiences in childhood during the confinement by COVID-19. A documentary review


  • Juan David Bañol-Salazar Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • David Andrés Montoya-Arenas Universidad de San Buenaventura



Childhood trauma;, Child abuse, Emotional abuse, COVID-19 impact.


Traumatic experiences in childhood during the confinement by the global pandemic by Covid-19 have increased, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection has reported
that physical isolation increased mental health alterations anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress in children, adolescents, and young people also generated a greater report of cases nationwide for different types of violence in the context of family relationships. The possible relationship between traumatic experiences in childhood and Covid 19 is analyzed from a documentary review between March and November 2020, the search strategy was: -traumatic childhood experience and Covid-19-childhood emotional abuse and Covid-19- -childhood neglect abuse and Covid-19- childhood physical abuse and Covid-19- -childhood violence or intrafamily or poverty and Covid-19-, in the databases: EBSCO, Google Scholar, PubMed and Science Direct. It was found that during the Covid-19 pandemic, psychosocial risk factors that lead to adverse experiences during childhood have intensified, requiring greater mental health attention in the Colombian population.


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Author Biographies

Juan David Bañol-Salazar, Universidad de San Buenaventura

Estudiante de Psicología noveno semestre en la Universidad de San Buenaventura. Auxiliar en el Grupo de Investigación Psicología y Neurociencia.

David Andrés Montoya-Arenas, Universidad de San Buenaventura

Psicólogo. Magister en Neuropsicología. Doctor en Psicología con orientación en Neurociencia Cognitiva Aplicada. Docente Titular Universidad de San Buenaventura, grupo Psicología y Neurociencia. Docente Investigador Escuela de Ciencias Sociales Facultad de Psicología U.P.B


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How to Cite

Bañol-Salazar, J. D., & Montoya-Arenas, D. A. (2022). Traumatic experiences in childhood during the confinement by COVID-19. A documentary review. Ciencia Y Academia, (2).



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