Play therapy as a learning mediator for the integral development of children in the early childhood


  • Lizeth Tatiana Acevedo Montiel
  • María Verónica Gómez Valencia
  • Jojanis María Ortega Arrieta
  • María del Pilar Valencia Restrepo
  • Luisa Fernanda Villa Cardona



Game, Learning, Strategy, Childhood, Body, Movement.


In this article, the principle of play will be addressed as one of the central axes of preschool education, this principle being fundamental for the learning and integral development of boys and girls in early childhood. To sustain the aforementioned article, it will base itself on the significant experiences of Practicum IV of psycho-social intervention, attached to the Degree in Early Childhood Education of the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, carried out in two agencies from different social contexts, for which reason both are contrasted contexts and proves evident that the implementation of play as a pedagogical mediator in social settings, and how it can affect or favor the development and learning of children.


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How to Cite

Acevedo Montiel, L. T., Gómez Valencia, M. V., Ortega Arrieta, J. M., Valencia Restrepo, M. del P., & Villa Cardona, L. F. (2020). Play therapy as a learning mediator for the integral development of children in the early childhood. Ciencia Y Academia, (1), 96–104.



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