In the heart of Medellín: experiences of a group of teachers surrounding social skills


  • Jennifer Cuervo Duque Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Norelia David Higuita Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Yessica Julieth Guarín Bonilla Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Tatiana Yulieth Herrera Serna Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • María Alejandra Valencia Castañeda Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Marcela Montenegro Velásquez Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Social skills, Emotion control, Self-control, Problem resolution, Relationships, Team work.


This article was based on various proposals for psychosocial intervention that sought to promote the social skills of children and young people in different centers of the city of Medellín, (La Torre Community Center, Clara María Children’s Center, Children’s University and Colegio Bethlemitas Medellín), which are linked to the training space called Practicum IV, in conjunction with the Catholic University Luis Amigó, whose population is visible in different social environments focused on psychosocial support. Thus, the methodology used was participant observation and intervention of some interactive techniques (problem tree, situation mural, photolanguage, among others). This made it possible to show that social skills are a fundamental part of human daily life, which is developed from an early age, and this development affects later ages, either positively or negatively. Therefore, the importance of promoting emotion management, cooperative work, self-esteem, problem solving and interpersonal relationships is highlighted in subjects who are in the training process.


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How to Cite

Cuervo Duque, J., David Higuita, N., Guarín Bonilla, Y. J., Herrera Serna, T. Y., Valencia Castañeda, M. A., & Montenegro Velásquez, M. (2020). In the heart of Medellín: experiences of a group of teachers surrounding social skills. Ciencia Y Academia, (1), 126–142.



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