Strengthening the self-concept in children with intellectual disabilities and health needs


  • Carmen Olivia Ramírez Echavarría Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • María Caterine Soto Suaza Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Intellectual disability, Health needs, Self-concept, Strategies, Inclusion.


The present article of academic reflection arises in the light of the experience of social practice and is oriented towards the strengthening of self-understanding and self-esteem in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities and health needs, as one of the problems with significant occurrence to develop teaching and learning processes. In this research, a reflection was made on the evolution of the concept of intellectual disability in educational settings and health needs due to cancer. Finally, a series of strategies are suggested to successfully deal with the accompaniment of children and adolescents to deal with difficulties in health and intellectual disability. Concluding that disability is a matter of human rights and, therefore, all factors that threaten promotion, development, education, and self-concept must be eliminated in order to improve their personal and / or social difficulties.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Echavarría, C. O., & Soto Suaza, M. C. (2020). Strengthening the self-concept in children with intellectual disabilities and health needs. Ciencia Y Academia, (1), 82–94.



Artículos de investigación