Once upon a time ... An introduction to postmodern thought and narrative therapy


  • Alejandro Castaño Agudelo Universidad Católica Luis Amigó




Postmodern thinking, Modern thought, Constructivism, Social constructionism, Narrative therapy.


This bibliographic review article addresses the foundations of postmodern thinking, as well as the theoretical and technical principles of narrative therapy. Initially, the precepts of modern philosophy as parameters are presented in which the sciences have developed until the middle of the 20th century. As the pillars of objectivism are raised, a contrasting story line is developed in which the configuring stories of the postmodern tradition are retaken, which currently govern the traditional discourse of science as a reference of contrast.
In a second scenario, the guidelines of narrative therapy are exposed. The main intervention strategies derived from this model are recapitulated in order to clarify the staging of the postulates previously presented in the context of individual and family accompaniment. With this text it is hoped to introduce the reader to both postmodern thinking and narrative therapy, which in recent decades have served as a scaffold for multiple co-authorship conversations between consultants and therapists around the world.


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How to Cite

Castaño Agudelo, A. (2020). Once upon a time . An introduction to postmodern thought and narrative therapy. Ciencia Y Academia, (1), 48–70. https://doi.org/10.21501/2744838X.3729



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