Neuro-psycho-pedagogy: a look at multifactorial concept of learning


  • Natalia Ruiz Aristizábal
  • Cruz Elena García Carmona Licenciada en educación preescolar, Colegio La Colina
  • Jormaris Martínez Gómez Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó.



Neuro-psycho-pedagogy, multifactorial learning, neurosciences.


A synthesis of the articles was done, it allows the recognition of the conception of the teaching–learning processes from a Neuro-psycho-pedagogic view. In order to comprehend this process it is necessary to identify the elements that figures… multifactorial of learning. Some of the authors have as a meeting point the notion that learning takes place thanks to higher mental functions from the brain anatomical part, but these are not the only important factors, the environment and the emotion also allows that the learning process occurs an available. Neuro-psycho-pedagogy cares about how the subject learns and rehabilitate their difficulties empowering their skills and understanding where the need takes place because is not always organic but can also be emotional.


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Author Biography

Natalia Ruiz Aristizábal



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How to Cite

Ruiz Aristizábal, N., García Carmona, C. E., & Martínez Gómez, J. (2016). Neuro-psycho-pedagogy: a look at multifactorial concept of learning. Revista Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó (histórico), 3(2), 231–237.



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