Pragmatism of salvador minuchin´s structural family therapy cases


  • Gloricet Arbeláez Tejada Universidad Incca de Colombia
  • Merly Johana González García Universidad de Antioquia
  • Deisy Julieth Madrid Universidad de Antioquia
  • Martha Lía Ramírez Agudelo Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó
  • Edison Francisco Viveros Chavarría Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó



Paradoxical intervention, Family therapy, evolution and paradox.


This research report contains some studies related to the definition of paradox, its evolution and its use in the Family Therapy. It was very useful because it allowed an approach to the effects that the paradox has as an instrument and as a contribution to the practice of the Family Therapy. Its aim is to analyze the notion of paradox initially proposed by Paul Watzlawick and then by Mara Selvini.


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Author Biography

Gloricet Arbeláez Tejada, Universidad Incca de Colombia



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How to Cite

Arbeláez Tejada, G., González García, M. J., Madrid, D. J., Ramírez Agudelo, M. L., & Viveros Chavarría, E. F. (2016). Pragmatism of salvador minuchin´s structural family therapy cases. Revista Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó (histórico), 3(2), 149–164.



Artículos de investigación