About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Luis Amigó University Foundation magazine has stopped publishing with the ISSN that it was active. For the dissemination of the articles, the Luis Amigó Catholic University Journal was created, on an annual basis, and to which they can send their contributions following the instructions in http://www.funlam.edu.co/revistas/index.php/RULuisAmigo


Luis Amigó University Foundation Magazine, digital version, was founded in 2013. Every six months, its objective is to disseminate, from the academic and scientific fields, research and reflections. It is aimed at researchers, professors, students, professionals and the general public. This academic and informative organ of the Funlam is committed to the production of texts and the dissemination of ideas framed in the training areas offered by the Institution.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.

License CC BY - NC - SA
It allows:

Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt - remix, transform and build on the material

The licensor can not revoke these liberties, as long as it follows the terms of the license.

In the following terms:

Attribution - You must give the appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate whether changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in a manner that suggests that the licensor or its use endorses it.

Non-commercial - You can not use the material for commercial purposes.

Share under it - If you remix, transform or create on the material, your contributions must be distributed under the same license as the original.

No additional restrictions - Legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything other than license permits can not be applied.

CrossMark Policy

The Luis Amigó Catholic University uses Crossmark to keep its readers informed about the changes and the history of the articles published in its journals, in such a way that its contents are reliable.

CrossMark is an initiative of CrossRef that allows to control the versions and the state of the document. Thus, the Luis Amigó Catholic University demonstrates that
recognizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of the articles, as these are academic and investigative records.



Plagiarism detection policy

Each article sent to the Luis Amigó University Foundation Journal will be reviewed through the iThenticate software to verify the originality of the same, that is, that it has not been previously published or that it does not infringe on the author's rights. This revision yields a percentage of similarity index showing similar contents and web pages where they are found. The iThenticate report is analyzed in order to verify that the authors have made a correct citation of the sources and their respective authors or owners, and thus prevent plagiarism.

Sources of Support