The Narrative of a crisis that links us

Notes for an alternative story on the crisis of replicability




Crisis, Methodology, Ontology, Epistemology, Scientific research


The year 2021 marked a decade of the so-called “outbreak of the replicability crisis” in different disciplines, including psychology. This is a crisis that would reveal that a considerable part of psychology operates with a model of science that can generate a growing distrust in part of academic literature corpus. The objective of this article is contribute to the resignification of the narrative of the idea of a crisis of replicability, in such a way that its generative horizons can be broadened. The axis from which this narrative about the crisis is interpellated is the principle of epistemic co-responsibility, which invites to assume an ontological and ethical-political perspective. To this end, the central elements associated with the replicability crisis are first reviewed from the modern perspective of science. Subsequently, some reflections are presented for the resignification of the narrative about the crisis, which imply ontological and ethical-political displacements in the debate. Finally, different considerations are offered, derived from the first two sections, which may contribute to the opening of the debates around the issue of the replicability crisis.


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How to Cite

Granados-García, A. (2024). The Narrative of a crisis that links us: Notes for an alternative story on the crisis of replicability. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 15(1), 317–339.