Life skills in young people who have been victims of armed conflict in Colombia


  • Arcadio de Jesús Cardona Isaza
  • Leidy Evelyn Díaz-Posada Universidad de La Sabana



Life skills, Young people, Armed conflict, Colombia, Intervention, Mental health.


The Life Skills (LS) approach is an initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), which arises from the integration of various theories that explain human and social development. This cross-sectional study aimed to describe the self-reported performance of life skills in young victims of the internal armed conflict in Colombia. 35 young people between 18 and 25 years old participated (M = 21.91, SD = 0.48) of which 67.5% were women. The participants have been victims of the internal armed conflict in Colombia, they live in several municipalities of the country and were linked to an emotional strengthening program. Descriptive analyses were carried out and self-reported performance was evaluated based on the mean response by each factor of the life skills scale. The results showed a higher level of self-reported development in assertive communication skills, and stress and tension management. In contrast, low levels of competence were observed in problem and conflict solving skills, empathy, and handling of feelings and emotions. The need to develop research and intervention programs in life skills in people who have suffered the negative consequences of the armed conflict is discussed.


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Author Biography

Leidy Evelyn Díaz-Posada, Universidad de La Sabana

Profesora e investigadora de la Facultad de Psicología


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How to Cite

Cardona Isaza, A. de J., & Díaz-Posada, L. E. (2021). Life skills in young people who have been victims of armed conflict in Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 12(1), 76–94.



Research article