Project planning and evaluation from a gender perspective: a bibliographic review




Gender, Economic evaluation, Socioeconomic indicators, Project evaluation.


According to the response to the request made by Kofi Annan in 1998 to examine the implications for women and men in public interventions, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), carries out the first research on the incorporation of the gender perspective in projects. 21 years later, research in this area has not grown significantly. In this work, a bibliographic review is made on the gender perspective in the socioeconomic evaluation of public and private projects (72 works between 1998 to 2018). The main findings show i). There is a need to create new measurement methods since the existing indicators are not sufficient to assess the gender approach in projects. ii). To achieve an adequate integration of the gender approach, it is necessary to reconfigure current gender initiatives, amid the emergence of new development concepts. iii). A clear failure is evident when analyzing poverty concerning gender in projects since it is approached from an exclusively economic perspective, without considering multidimensional aspects.


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Author Biography

Rosana De Jesús Pineda García, UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA



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How to Cite

Pineda García, R. D. J., & Reina Gutiérrez, W. (2021). Project planning and evaluation from a gender perspective: a bibliographic review. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 12(1), 310–345.



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