Creating from Aphrodite or Venus: a female archetypal representation of love, sexuality, the body and the function of alchemical transformation


  • Gladys Janeyh Ríos Palacio


Feminity, Archetype, Goddess, Venus, Aphrodite, Patriarchalism, Analytic Psychology


The question for the psyche and its relationship with the feminine thing is buried at the present time by a society that privileges the logoses and the technology like ways of making effective readings of the world and the fellows. Venus or Aphrodite, according to their Greek or Roman version, outline in their myth a possibility of deep reflection about the feminine thing in intimate connection with the psyche and the exercise of the psychotherapy. The privilege of the masculine thing and their social expressions in the reason form, competitiveness, war and consumerism, they have veiled to the feminine thing with representations that outlaw him and they devaluate by means of figures as Eva or Pandora, as long as their presentations. The Great old Goddess’s revision and the exaltation of the feminine thing as force creator and transformer, they allow to understand it as something that is beyond their reduction to the condition of objects and they restore to the myth their capacity of the human being understanding by the light of the psychotherapy like creation activity and transformation, in connection with the topics that it embodies the Goddess like the emotions, the sexuality and the body. Their analysis will grant queries that you/they will be able to contribute in the constructions about the psyche and of the forces that intervene in its dynamics. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.


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Author Biography

Gladys Janeyh Ríos Palacio

Psicóloga FUNLAM con una amplia experiencia en la práctica clínica desde la Psicología analítica


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Shinoda Bolen, J. (1984). Las diosas de cada mujer: una nueva psicología femenina. Barcelona: Kairós.



How to Cite

Ríos Palacio, G. J. (2011). Creating from Aphrodite or Venus: a female archetypal representation of love, sexuality, the body and the function of alchemical transformation. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 2(1), 104–110. Retrieved from