The discourse of the other in the psychosocial care device for victims of the armed conflict




War Victims, Social policy, Social program, Psychoanalysis, Social psychology, Psychosocial care.


The objective of this work is to characterize the prescriptive dimension of the psychosocial care strategy for victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. It is oriented theoretically and methodologically by the perspective of governmentality studies in articulation with the principles of Lacanian discourse analysis. The results point to the identification of ideals on the integral reparation to the victims, and to the analysis of the explicit and implicit messages that allow to place the demand of the institutional Other. This allows us to conclude that the integral reparation to the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia is part of the current logic of management of the social issue, as a care policy that has the character of an official response from the State to settle with the population. In this context, frontline professionals are the bearers of the message that the State addresses to the recipients of the program and are called to act as experts in the recovery of psychosocial damages caused by sociopolitical violence, in order to achieve the ideal of rehabilitation.


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Author Biography

Manuel Alejandro Moreno Camacho, Universidad del Valle

Profesor de la Escuela de Trabajo Social y Desarrollo Humano, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad del Valle. Candidato a Doctor en Psicología, Universidad del Valle; Magister en Sociología, Universidad del Valle; Psicólogo, Universidad de San Buenaventura; Psicoanalista asociado a la Nueva Escuela Lacaniana (NEL) Cali y miembro de Colectivo de Ananlisis Lacaniano (CANAL).


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How to Cite

Moreno Camacho, M. A. (2019). The discourse of the other in the psychosocial care device for victims of the armed conflict. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 10(2), 295–323.



Research article