The transference in the educational process


  • Libia Elena Ramírez Robledo


Symbolic Transference, Imaginary Transference, Education, Pedagogy


This article aims to reflect the transference as a nodal concept to think about the educational process. The author uses a documentary conceptualizing method to trace the transference and to analyze the teacher’s role from the point of view of the particularities. That such a concept is able to bring out to the theory: imaginary transference, symbolic transference, its relationship with the ideals and with the pedagogical work. The author concludes that the teacher’s work must be done since the symbolic transference and that this professional has to be noticed of the merges of his own subject history within the relationship with the student. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.


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Author Biography

Libia Elena Ramírez Robledo

Pedagoga, con estudios en Psicodrama en Barcelona, España. Docente de la FUNLAM


Bettelheim, B. (1982). Educación y vida moderna. Un enfoque psicoanalítico. Barcelona: Crítica.

Laplanche & J. B. Pontalis. (1983). Diccionario de psicoanálisis. Barcelona: Labor.

Freud, S. (1914) Obras completas. Sobre la psicología del colegial. (Tomo 2). Madrid: Biblioteca nueva.



How to Cite

Ramírez Robledo, L. E. (2011). The transference in the educational process. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 2(1), 85–89. Retrieved from