Training to sell books. Conditions for the development of the practical sense of the editors of the large groups in Argentina


  • Ezequiel Saferstein Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas en Argentina / Universidad de San Martín - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CeDInCI/UNSAM-CONICET)



Argentina, Publishers, Economic Concentration, Cultural Industry, Labor


Objective: To analyze the structural conditions in which the editors of the large companies is developed in Argentina. Methodology: The qualitative corpus is based on 40 interviews to editors and other workers of the publishing companies in Argentina. This technique was complemented with observations and secondary sources about the sector. Results: The financialization of the Latin American publishing sector introduced the need to maximize profits, in which promoted changes in the modes of production and circulation, and in the ways of doing and thinking of publishers. These changes can be seen through the impact of the incorporation of a commercial horizon in the labor dynamics. Nevertheless, these commercial demands coexist with symbolic bets that impact on the development of the job. Conclusions: This tension between economic and cultural logics allows us to say that the articulation between practices, technical tools, trajectories and inherited knowledge gives the editors an ability to "be in the world", in a space not free of contradictions, according to the current dynamics of book production.


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Author Biography

Ezequiel Saferstein, Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas en Argentina / Universidad de San Martín - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CeDInCI/UNSAM-CONICET)

Becario Postdoctoral del CONICET, con sede en el CeDInCI - Docente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

Saferstein, E. (2018). Training to sell books. Conditions for the development of the practical sense of the editors of the large groups in Argentina. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 9(1), 109–134.



Research article