The evaluation of the digital competence in university teaching: The case of business and economic’s undergraduates
Digital Competency, Information and Communication Technology, E-learning, Skills Assessment, Social NetworksAbstract
In the context of higher education, also Economic and Business’ undergraduates; digital competence refers to the use of informational and communicational technologies, as a tool for expression, communication, access to information sources, as means of data files and documents; for presentation, diffusion, and management tasks. For learning, research, and cooperative work. Additionally; this article emphasize on the difficulties identified on university teachers regarding to economy and the company fields, in order to train teachers in this competence, denominated in the framework of degrees “the use of ICT in professional fields”. To do this, in the context of a wider investigation, we study the perception and commitment to the competence of 84 teachers from the University of Extremadura (Spain). Through a descriptive analysis, with the contribution of synthetic indicators, it has obtained evidence about the level of involvement of the teachers in areas such as the typology of pedagogical resources that have been implemented, related to the teaching of this competence. Moreover; the strategies to improve the contents and the applicability to the current reality and the relationship with other similar competences. Finally, the data obtained and analyzed, made possible to offer a diagnosis about the teaching of the competence indicated in a sample of university teachers and support a proposal for assessment matrix of the competence “Use of ICT”, in the degrees related to business studies, proficiency levels and indicators of achievement of this competence. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.Downloads
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