Ethics and good practices policies

Publishing ethics and good editorial practices

The editor is responsible for: the editor of the Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales is in charge of select the articles that will make great of the annual of the journal. For this, it is ridged by the conduct code that this publication has. The selection of the articles will have guided for their level and their thematic pertinence, and in this since the gender discrimination, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic, or religious inclination or politics of someone who postulates their manuscripts never will be considered as a selection criterion. However, the editor has the possibility to discuss the decisions regarding the article’s selection that other members of the publication take, always under the quality text criteria in the field of social sciences publication. Regarding the authors, the editor is committed to maintaining the decisions’ confidentiality concerning his / her articles, in this sense, only the authors will be informed of those decisions.  Finally, the editor will avoid expressly manage articles that derive in interests’ conflicts with the result of any possible connection with those conflicts, with the objective of maintaining the transparency of the edition and publication process. 

The referees will be responsible for: as a fundamental part of the publication process, the reviewers should maintain the confidentiality of the manuscripts that they receive, in this sense, they should avoid sharing with foreign people the material to evaluate. Is fundamental that the referee maintains the objectivity and neutrality when is time to formulate their article critics, especially, they should be supported by reasonable arguments. The evaluators are in freedom to support the editor and the author to elevate, with their suggestions, the academic quality of the articles that they are evaluated.  Also is a responsibility abstaining for using for their benefit the material, and in the same line, avoid belong processes that could derive any interest conflict. Finally, the journal aims that evaluators accomplish with the assigned times for the evaluation process and inform the editor about their possibility of review in a timely and suitable way the text that is invited to evaluate. 

Authors will be responsible for: authors should be regulated according to the publication guidelines and the ethics code that our journal embrace. According to this, the manuscripts must be originals, unpublished, and cannot be in the process of publication in another journal. As members of a research community, their texts should be regulated for the procedures that allow the development of the discipline in the scientific order, that is to say, their texts should provide verified and reliable data, complete references and sources, and the well development of the themes with the objective that other authors should confirm, discuss, or support the ideas that the author presents. Therefore, fake and wrong statements will not be tolerated by our journal. The manuscripts presented should give recognition for the authorship to the persons that participated on its construction and redaction, and in this sense, the main authors and coauthors should be included on the texts, should have approved the information that is going to be presented by the journal. Authors must respect the integrity of the communities that are participants of their research exercises and give guarantee presenting the formats that show the voluntary and worthy participation of the participants. Moreover, the data of the financial sources must be transparent. Finally, the author has the compromise to inform and notify the editor immediately any kind of mistake, inaccuracy, or imprecision that the manuscripts could have.  

Procedure to resolve conflicts arising from unethical behavior: The requestor must identify before any affirmation the situation that affects the ethics of the publication, the nature of the fault, and the evidence that show the fault. After that, the requestor can send the complaint to the editor of our journal.


  • If once published an article: 1) the editor discovers plagiarism,  mistakes that attempt to the quality or scientificity, he/she will request its removal or correction. 2) If a third person detects the mistake, it is the obligation of the author to publish an immediate retraction and the public correction.
  • During the edition process, authors must inform of any mistake or alteration in the manuscript; if the article has been published with such mistakes the author will request its removal or correction.
  • The opinions expressed in articles and papers are those of the authors, therefore, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó will not be held responsible for them.
  • Any claim can be sent to the email ( It will be answered within five days of the complaint.