Guidelines for authors

The Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales accepts articles derive of disciplinary and interdisciplinary researches in the field of social sciences that answer to the guidelines presented through this guide, for this reason, the advance of the texts are linked not only to the comprehension and acceptance of the journal politics, but also to the compliance of the requirements that are described below:

Academic level and authors’ affiliation

The journal receives articles from authors with the level of master degree, doctoral degree, and postdoctoral degree, and from students that has as coauthors professors or researchers in any of the levels mentioned.

To watch over for the institutional exogamy, will thrive the publication of texts from external authors, but thriving the quality of the texts.

Language and types of articles

The articles can be original and unedited, written in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, as long as their structure answer to one of the types described by the Department Administrative de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación – Col-ciencias in the guide document for the indexing published in February of 2010 (p. 7) that are cited in this section

  • Original scientific article. Presents in detail the original results of completed research projects. Its structure contains four fundamental sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
  • Reflection articles. Shows the findings of a completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
  • Review article. Product of a completed research in which the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in a field of science or technology, in order to account for the advances and development techniques. It is characterized by presenting a bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
  • Case report. A document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation, in order to release the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a systematic review of the literature on similar cases.

Each number will be headed by:

  • Presentation. Document written by the editor; It gives an account of the purposes of the magazine and the articles that make up the number.
  • Editorial. Text that includes guidance and reflections on the thematic domain of the journal written by a member of the committees or a guest researcher.

Form characteristics of the document:

  • Digitized in Word, in letter size.The margins must be 3 cm on all sides.
  • Times New Roman, size 12 pt.
  • The text must have a line spacing of 1.5 lines, justified and without indentation in the first paragraph of each section; from the second paragraph the indentation to the left must be used. In tables and figures, the line spacing will be in a simple space.
  • Tables and figures should have a specific title and source, a line separating the cells of the tables is not necessary
  • The minimum extension is 7,000 words and the maximum is 10,000, including tables, illustrations and notes, and except references.
  • The standard followed for writing, citation, referencing, tables and figures is that of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association [APA] (7th edition in English, 4th edition in Spanish).
  • The title of the article and subtitles should be written in capital letters, bold and centered. 


Indications for drafting

In addition to adhering to general spelling and grammar guidelines specific to the language in which the article is presented, the wording should be clear and accurate, without using "constructs that may imply prejudicial beliefs or perpetuate biased assumptions against individuals based on age, disability, gender, research participation, racial or ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or some combination of these and other personal factors (e.g., marital status, immigration status, religion)" (American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 2020, p. 131). Authors should resort to bias-free writing, and conversely, use affirmative and inclusive language.

Use the italics style for titles of books, journals, newspapers, movies, the first time introducing a new or key term, anchors of a scale, and words in other languages.

The use of secondary citation and “citation of a citation” should be avoided; it is recommended to quote original authors and works. Use a literal quote to present ideas that require precision or discussion.

Recommends the use of the literal citation to present ideas that require precision or discussion of terms.

Use the ampersand (&) only for citation and references in English.

The title should follow the abstract style with a maximum of 12 words; if there is a subtitle, it should not be over 18 words. The title should identify the topics or variables of the research process. It must include a note at the bottom of the page referring to the name of the research Project which the article is based on, the funding institutions, the project code, phase and beginning and ending dates.

The author´s note (for each of the authors) must include the following information: highest level of academic education, graduate program, institutional filiation, email, ORCID registration number and Google Scholar profile. In case you have not done it, the following tutorial is recommended: It is given that people that sign as authors have contributed to the research process. In order to have more information on who deserves to hold authorship, refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010, p. 18).

The authors must include the bibliographic name and surname, that is, as scientific publications commonly sign. The normalization of this data allows the traceability of the author's production.

The abstract must be analytical and use the following structure: introduction, method, results and discussion in 180 worlds maximum. For reflective papers based on research processes the summary should clearly establish the purpose, the main premises, as well as the thesis and the arguments used. Abstract should never include references nor citations

All keywords without exception must be from the Unesco Thesaurus available at Keywords should be between three and five, separated by ; and written with initial capital letter. They should be between seven and ten, separated by ; and written with initial capital letter.

Authors should translate title, abstract and keywords in Spanish and English. The use of web pages or translation software is not recommended.

Footnotes should only be used for clarification or digressions, not for references nor important information. If they are used, it must be in Times New Roman 10.

Article structure: The Introduction must include the research problem, research background and theoretical framework, the hypothesis and specific objectives.  The Method describes the way the problem was studied: characteristics of the study, participants, sample and data collection techniques. The Results show the research findings, tables and figures might be included if needed. In Discussion shows the meaning of results discussing with research background and theorethical framework. The Conclusions present the author’s voice, the implications that the research might have as well as the practical or theoretical contributions to a specific field. Any technical help regarding supporting activities such as data collection and introduction, recruiting participants, providing suggestions on the analytical analysis or proofreading and analyzing the article, financial support like a grant merits an Acknowledgment section. Finally, the References should include all the works that were mentioned in the article. It is important to compare the references with the original material, so no information is omitted and is easier to find by including DOI or URL if possible.


Structure of citations and references

Citations and references should conform to the 7th edition in English and 4th edition in Spanish of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association [APA]. This implies that there must be full correspondence between them. In accordance with APA guidelines, only works that are actually cited, either directly or indirectly, are listed in the references. It is important to verify that the way authors are signed is always respected, that is, if they sign with two surnames, they should appear in the citation as well as in the list of references. It is also necessary to keep the order of appearance of the authors in the sources consulted, since it obeys the degree of contribution to the research.

Short textual citation: also known as the literal citation. It is when the writer uses the exact words of the author. No part of the text should be altered, in case there is need to introduce a word it must be included in brackets. If it’s a short quote, under 40 words use quotation marks followed by a parenthesis with the author’s or authors’ last name, year and pages. The quotes do not go in italics and the emphasis should be placed on the who it belongs to (if it’s the original or an emphasis is needed). For example, “It is infinitely more comfortable for each of us to think that evil is external to us, that we have nothing in common with the monsters who have committed it.” (Todorov, 1993/2004, pp. 163-164).

The reference would be:

Todorov, T. (1993/2004). Gente común. En Frente al límite (2ª ed., pp. 129-167). Siglo XXI.

Citations of more than 40 words: The citations of more than 40 words are placed in a paragraph. No quotation marks, nor italics. In the design process the Colombian Social Science Journals uses size 10 fonts, with a 2.54 cm indention. Once the quotation is finished, there is a period before the reference in the parenthesis. For example:

La enfermedad mental tiene implicaciones tanto personales como familiares. Tanto los estilos de afrontamiento como la conducta de enfermedad varían en función de los recursos que el sujeto pone en juego, entre los recursos ambientales el principal es la familia, de aquí la especial importancia que cobra el grupo familiar en el tratamiento de la persona con enfermedad mental. (García Laborda & Rodríguez Rodríguez, 2005, p. 45)

The reference would be:

García Laborda, A., & Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. C. (2012). Afrontamiento familiar ante la enfermedad mental. Cultura de los cuidados, (18), 45-51.

Paraphrasing: Citing while paraphrasing is not using the original terms but those of the author. It is used to present general ideas. For example: Mathew Benwell’s (2015) works try to improve a renewed view of the field of social geography.

The reference would be:

Benwell, M. (December, 2015). Reframing Memory in the School Classroom: Remembering the Malvinas War. Journal of Latin American Studies, 48(2), 273-300.

Works with multiple authors: when there is a citation of a work with two authors, both last names should be included. For example: (García Laborda & Rodríguez Rodríguez, 2005). If there are from three to five authors, all names should be included the first they are mentioned. Other citations of the same text should only use the last name of the first author and finish with et al., also including the year and page. Example for first citation: (García del Castillo, López-Sánchez, Tur-Viñes, García del Castillo-López y Ramos, 2014). Other citations: (García del Castillo et al., 2014). If there are six or more authors use only the last name of the first author and finish with et al. (no italics) from the first time they are cited. For example: (Torres Pachón et al., 2015).

The references of the works of these examples are placed in alphabetical order:

García del Castillo, J. A., López-Sánchez, C., Tur-Viñes, V., García del Castillo-López, A., & Ramos, I. (2014). Las redes sociales: ¿adicción o progreso tecnológico? En A. Fernández (Coord.), Interactividad y redes sociales (pp. 261-279). Visión.

García Laborda, A., & Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. C. (julio-diciembre, 2012). Afrontamiento familiar ante la enfermedad mental. Cultura de los Cuidados, (18), 45-51.

Torres Pachón, A., Jiménez Urrego, Á. M., Wilchez Bolaños, N., Holguín Ocampo, J., Rodríguez Ovalle, D. M., Rojas Velasco, M. A.,… Cárdenas Posada, D. F. (2015). Psicología social y posconflicto: ¿reformamos o revolucionamos? Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 6(1), 176-193.

Corporate author: If the author is an organization with a well-known abbreviation. The first citation includes the full name of the organization and the others use only the abbreviation. For example: (American Psychological Association [APA], 2010). The rest of the references would be: (APA, 2010).

Secondary citation: it refers to citing another citing, that is when the author cites another autor but was read by a different person than the author of article. In this situation, it should be made clear the author that directly cited the source. This type of reference is not recommendable. It is only acceptable when the original work is no longer available on data bases, online or in Spanish. It is recommendable to avoid the primary source. For example: “Most San Diegans opposed strengthening the bonds between San Diego and Tijuana and 54% of them expressed that they had never visited that city.” (Nevins, 2002, p. 82, cited by Muriá and Chávez, 2006, p. 39). In this type of situation, the best way to reference would be Muriá y Chávez (2006).

Citing interviews: the original material that results from an interview, a focus group or a group interview are not included in the references. When they are used in the text, the following information should be included: (codification. Personal communication, date of the communication. For example, “Our stories are similar, but not the same” (P5, 3:3. Personal communications, September 25th, 2015).

Quotes in other languages: The quotes in other languages should be translated usually in a footnote. The quote can be cited in the translation in the body of the text or leave the quote in the original language. In this case, it should be in italics.

Self-references: it is not recommendable to use citations referring to the author´s previous Works because “self-referencing is equivalent to self-appraisal; but, if deserved, that should be done by others” (Valderrama Méndez, 2008, p. 1). The reference for this citation would be:

Valderrama Méndez, J. O. (2008). Las autocitas en artículos de revistas de corriente principal. Información tecnológica, 19(5), 1.


Reference list

The list of references should be written at the end of the text in alphabetical order, without bullet points and with French indentation. Next, it is detailed how the references of the main sources used in an article are made.

Books. Include: author’s last name, first letter of the author´s name. (year). Title of the book. City: Publisher. All this information follows the title of the book, without using the words Publisher. For example:

Cisneros Estupiñán, M., & Olave Arias, G. (2012). Redacción y publicación de artículos científicos: enfoque discursivo. Bogotá: Ecoe.

Todorov, T. (1993/2004). Frente al límite (2ª ed). Siglo XXI.

Books with editors, compilers, directors or organizers. After the name of the person that is responsible the role should be included, that is editor (ed.), compiler (comp.) director (dir.), organizer (org.). For example:

Díaz, F., Bordas, M., Galvão, N., & Miranda, T. (Orgs.). (2009). Educação inclusiva, deficiência e contexto social: questões contemporáneas. Universidade Federal da Bahia.

Number of edition. In case there is a significant amount of time between the first edition and the one the author read, use (1993/2004). If the material does not have a publication date, use the abbreviation (n.d.) if it is about to be published, write (in press).

Eight authors or more. Include: the names of the first six authors, followed by three points and the name of the last author. For example:

Torres Pachón, A., Jiménez Urrego, Á. M., Wilchez Bolaños, N., Holguín Ocampo, J., Rodríguez Ovalle, D. M., Rojas Velasco, M. A., … Cárdenas Posada, D. F. ( 2015). Psicología social y posconflicto: ¿reformamos o revolucionamos? Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 6(1), 176-193.

Book chapter. Cite the specific chapter author, as if it were a book author and use the word In along with the first letter of the name and full last name of the authors or compliers as well as the title of the book, followed by the pages of the chapter. For example:

Sánchez Upegui, A. A. (2012). Revisión sobre el análisis lingüístico de artículos científicos: una estrategia de alfabetización académica de orden superior. In A. A. Sánchez Upegui, C. A. Puerta Gil, L. M. Sánchez Ceballos y J. C. Méndez Rendón, El análisis lingüístico como estrategia de alfabetización académica (pp. 15-50). Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte.

Journal articles: the retrieval date is not necessary, but the website is. For example:

Perez Bernardes de Moraes, T., & Da Silva Torrecillas, G. L. (2015). Corrupción en la función pública: un estudio sobre correlaciones entre corrupción, calidad de la democracia, gobernanza, desigualdad de renta y desempleo en el mundo (2008-2012). Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 6(1), 15-33.

Electronic Journals in data bases that have DOI. If a chapter or an article has DOI, it is not necessary to include the website, only the link of the DOI. For example,

Reyes-Rojas, M., Mieles-Barrera, M. D., & Hernández-Vargas, B. A. (2021). Afrontamiento familiar y su relación con el bienestar infantil y familiar: estudio sobre familias en condición de vulnerabilidad. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 12(1), 50-75.

Articles in newspapers. If the article includes the name of the author, the reference goes:

Castrillón, G. (September 9th 2012). Farc quieren a un militar activo en la mesa de negociaciones. El Espectador. Recuperado de

If it doesn´t include the name of the author, the reference list must include the title of the article, avoiding definite and indefinite articles and using only the main words. For example:

Revive temor por “casas de pique” en Buenaventura. (January 19th 2015). El País.

Dissertations. They should be referenced as follows: Surname, A. A. (year). Title [Master's or doctoral thesis, Name of institution], Repository. URL. Example:  

De la Cruz Lichet, V. (2010). Retratos fotográficos post-mortem en Galicia (siglos XIX y XX) [Tesis doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid].  Repositorio.

Presentations or conferences. For example:

Lanero, A., Sánchez, J. C., Villanueva, J. J. y D’Almeida, O. (September, 2007). La perspectiva cognitiva en el proceso emprendedor. In X Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social: un encuentro de perspectivas. Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz.

Movies and audiovisual media. Director, B. B. (Director) and Producer, A.A. (producer). (year). Movie title [movie]. Content Producer. For example:

Amenábar, A. (director), Cuerda, J. L., & Otegui, E. (productores). (1996). Tesis [Película]. Las producciones del Escorpión.

Centro de Memoria Histórica (productor). Rubio, T. (director). (2010). Mampuján. Crónica de un desplazamiento. [Documental].

Photography and Works of art. Examples:

Arango, D. (1948). Masacre del 9 de abril [Fotografía]. Acuarela.

Brodsky, M. (1996). Buena memoria. [Serie fotográfica]. Recuperado de

- For all other references, please consult the series named Cápsulas APA of Fondo Editorial Luis Amigó: