Effects of the conquering "mentality"


  • Edison Viveros Chavarría


Conquest, Conquer Mentality, Politics, Economy, Miscegenation, History, Native Culture


The author analyzes the process of conquest and colonization of America. He Uses a documentary tracing technique in order to examine what his self calls “conquer mentality” through the history. Also, the author evaluates the political and economical situation in both, America and Europe to demonstrate that the collision of two different worldviews, one founded in war and conquer, other with an ethic of brotherhood and earth and ancestors cult, avoid a process that could have been syncretic. Finally, he concludes that, despite the effects of this mentality, and its permanence in American cultural traits, this continent is a land of mixtures and plural world, whit an enormous potential to be authentic. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.


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How to Cite

Viveros Chavarría, E. (2011). Effects of the conquering "mentality". Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 2(1), 74–84. Retrieved from https://revistas.ucatolicaluisamigo.edu.co/index.php/RCCS/article/view/96