An aproximation to Michel Maffesoli


  • Martha Cecilia Castaño Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


Sociality, Posmodernity, Ethics, Aesthetics, Daily Life, Sensitive Reason


The present writing aims to provoke the reading of Michel Maffesoli, an author usually unknown in the philosophical field, while as a sociologist has made major contributions to the understanding of the new postmodern socialities, on the basis of the study of imagery in everyday life and its importance in the Transfiguration of the political. The passage of this author to the borders of philosophy is given from his conceptualizations about aesthetics as ethics, offering a new paradigm to think the relations of societies or postmodern groups. 
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Maffesoli, M. (2005) ¿El fin de la era moderna? Entrevista en línea. Recuperada de:



How to Cite

Castaño, M. C. (2012). An aproximation to Michel Maffesoli. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 3(1), 104–114. Retrieved from