The power as genealogy of gender identity


  • Eva María Lucumí Moreno
  • Annie Julieth Álvarez Maestre
  • Claudia García Muñoz


Subject, Power, Gender, Subjectivity, Genealogy, Post-structuralism


This article presents the results of research work of the authors for the construction of their master thesis. The paper approaches the postulates about power and the subject in Michel Foucault's work and gender, sex and subjectivity de Judith Butler's. Finally, readers will find an attempt to understand the process of gendered subjectivity from the theory of these
two poststructuralists authors. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.


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How to Cite

Lucumí Moreno, E. M., Álvarez Maestre, A. J., & García Muñoz, C. (2012). The power as genealogy of gender identity. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 3(1), 91–103. Retrieved from