
  • Yoiver Andrey Giraldo Quintero Universidad de Manizales



Interaction, Twitter, Corruption, Precandidates, Social networks, Elections.


Social networks are increasingly used by politicians in campaign to present their proposals to the electorate and show their positions in front of different social problems. Through a content analysis, this study investigated how the interaction is based on the messages about corruption published on Twitter by the pre-candidates for the presidency of Colombia (2018-2022). NodeXL Pro software was used for the selection of messages. This tool was also used to analyze the sentiment of the tweets. The results found indicate that when referring to corruption, candidates use Twitter more as a means to disseminate opinions than to interact with other social actors. When they interact, they do so especially with journalists and the media and to a lesser extent with institutions charged with punishing corrupt actors. Likewise, opposition candidates to the government publish more frequently about corruption and Twitter users are more likely to interact with messages loaded with negative sentiment and where other agents are accused of incurring possible corruption cases.


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