Water and energy saving behavior In Households of university students of Medellín
Sustainable development, Natural Resources, Behavior, Power consumption, University student, Consumers, Water use, Self controlAbstract
Introduction: Studies on the behavior of water and energy saving frequently analyze the role of motivations and barriers in the adoption of this type of behavior. This research included the category, feedback, with the purpose of revealing its existence and origin in the everyday life. Aim: to describe water and energy saving behavior in households of university students and the role that motivations, feedback and barriers play in such behavior. Method: Qualitative research. Results: This study found a predominance of economic motivations over environmental ones, an institutional arrangement in homes creating feedback and making possible the adoption of water and energy behaviors, and a set of three types of barriers that people are facing. Conclusion: Like motivations and barriers, feedback also plays an important role in the adoption of water and energy saving behavior.
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