Desire, acceptance, and will to exterminate: on the ultimate foundations of exterminist violence




Violence, Exclusion, Inclusion, Exterminism, Collective Violence, Social Darwinism, Social theory


Simple exterminist brutality is one of the constants that characterize modern history. The aim of this article is to approach the understanding of the ultimate foundations of exterminist violence, that is, what is behind the wish and the will to exterminate. To this end we analyze the works of Spencer, Sumner, and de Maistre. The strategy adopted in these pages aims to transform the events of the last two hundred years into presences, along with current events, setting them all in motion. The article argues that the keys to understanding this phenomenon lie in the complex relationships between inclusion-exclusion/expulsion/extermination, which are traversed by a set of discourses and practices: competition and the legitimization of inequality, hierarchy, the ontology of death, denial and complicity. We conclude with the typical-ideal picture of two social scenarios and their relationships with exterminist dynamics: one based on inclusion and the other based on exclusion/expulsion.


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Author Biography

Alberto Javier Ribes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Alberto J. Ribes es Doctor en Sociología (UCM, 2005) y Profesor Contratado Doctor en el Departamento de Sociología: Teoría y Metodología en la UCM. Sus principales investigaciones se han centrado en cuestiones relacionadas con la Teoría sociológica, la Historia de la sociología, la Sociología en España, la Globalización y las Violencias.


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How to Cite

Ribes, A. J. (2024). Desire, acceptance, and will to exterminate: on the ultimate foundations of exterminist violence. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 15(1), 218–243.