Infidelity therapy: a bridge to transition from the devastation to the renovation of oneself and of the relationship




Infidelity, Couples therapy, Caring for oneself, Caring for the other, Recovery, Transformation, Couple bond


Objective: to recognize the experiences that the consultants had in the therapeutic process that favored maintaining the couple's relationship after an infidelity. Methodology: qualitative study, hermeneutical phenomenological. Two semi-structured interviews were conducted with three couples and one participant; triangulation of information with a discussion group with therapists. Results: the reflections raised in the therapeutic space, lead to a look at oneself and the couple in more compassionate terms, which allows individual and relational transformations to emerge that were called: the renewal of the lobster and the transformation from crystal to gold, respectively. The changes in thinking, actions and ways of relating to each other were constituted as self-care and partner-care practices. Conclusion: therapy acts as a "bridge" for the recovery of couples, it makes it easier to leave behind the devastating effects of infidelity and flourish in a more aesthetic and hopeful outlook.


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Author Biographies

Diana M Muñoz Santrich, Universidad de Antioquia

Médica. Universidad de Antioquia, Mg. En Terapia Familiar y de Pareja. Medellín - Colombia. Correo electrónico:,


Natalia Salazar, Universidad de Antioquia

Médica, Especialista en Sexología Clínica. Mg. En Terapia Familiar y de Pareja. Universidad de Antioquía. Medellín -Colombia. Correo electrónico:,

María Victoria Builes, Universidad de Antioquia

Médica, Mg. en Educación y Desarrollo Humano, Especialista en terapia familiar, docente titular Universidad de Antioquía. Medellín – Colombia. Correo electrónico:,


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How to Cite

Muñoz Santrich, D. M., Salazar, N., & Builes, M. V. (2023). Infidelity therapy: a bridge to transition from the devastation to the renovation of oneself and of the relationship. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 14(2), 558–578.