Social responsibility in the health offices of the Colombian Guajira
Social Responsibility, Health offices, Public health, Colombia, Health policyAbstract
Social responsibility is a broad concept that involves the need to respond to the interest groups with which it interacts, for the health sector, this concept is inseparable, since the State must ensure that certain precepts are complied to guarantee the provision of services in the national territory, taking into account the differences and needs of each of the municipalities. The purpose of this research is to analyze social responsibility in the health network of La Guajira, Colombia. The research is descriptive, field and non-experimental. The instrument was the survey, it was applied to 58 people from the health secretary of two municipalities of the Colombian Guajira. It is concluded that in the case of the Maicao Municipality the elements of the management of social responsibility are not clear, but some the aspects of the same are put into practice. While management in the Uribia municipality is deficient, seemed of almost ignoring the process, at the same time that the elements are not taken into acount.
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