Are the high-ranking officials guilty of promoting extrajudicial executions in Colombia?




Colombia, Falsos positivos, Modelo principal agente, Teoría de juegos, Ejército


The objective of this work is to study the nature of extrajudicial executions in Colombia, having as a hypothesis that these actions were not isolated events, but, on the contrary, could be ordered by the high military commands. The literature review and the evidence obtained from the stories and denunciations of its protagonists show that these events occurred under the direction of some middle and senior managers. Using the theoretical approach of the principal-agent model developed by Demeritt (2015), it is shown that the impunity enjoyed by high-ranking officers of the Colombian army led to the commission of these crimes in a systematic manner. Therefore, its solution does not refer only to control, since much of the military structure was involved, but to the restructuring of the policy that measures the success of the military unit employing the number of casualties.


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Author Biography

María Castillo Valencia, Universidad Del Valle

Colombiana, docente de Economía de la Universidad Del Valle con PhD en Economía.


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How to Cite

Castillo Valencia, M., & Durán, S. . (2022). Are the high-ranking officials guilty of promoting extrajudicial executions in Colombia?. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 13(1), 43–76.



Research article