Transcending the whole and the parts: universalism, writing and ethics in anthropology


  • Juan Camilo Perdomo Marín Universidad de Caldas



Merelogy, Universalism, Writing, Ethics, Relationism, Anthropology.


This paper analyzes the logical configuration from which anthropology conceptualizes its objects of study. For this task, it will be shown that its theories have identified relationships, entities and contexts by proposing four types of readings on what is considered as the whole and its parts (Holism, Individualism, Integrationism and Relationalism). Extending the case of Relationalism, it will be highlighted that these models not only encompass the understanding of universalism, but also the researcher’s scriptural strategies and intellectual ethics.


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Author Biography

Juan Camilo Perdomo Marín, Universidad de Caldas

Antropólogo, docente del programa de antropología de la Universidad de Caldas


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How to Cite

Perdomo Marín, J. C. (2021). Transcending the whole and the parts: universalism, writing and ethics in anthropology. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 12(2), 899–927.



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