Knowledgement and the others




There is current tendency to acknowledge diversity, or at least there is a demand in that direction that should lead to respect for the other (even if it is not always the case). Awareness of different cultures, societies, sexual orientation, gender preferences, and political and religious affiliations. In relation to the latter, different ecumenical councils have been held; that is, among the different Christian denominations and interfaith dialogues, whose main purpose is the unification of all Christians, along with the acknowledgement and deference of the faith and religions of others. Likewise, the use of nonviolence resistance is promoted against those communities who strive for civil and political rights in matters of gender, for example, or sexual orientation of individuals (both for which UNESCO submits reports).


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Author Biography

Andrés Alfredo Castrillón Castrillón, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



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How to Cite

Castrillón Castrillón, A. A. (2019). Knowledgement and the others. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 10(2), 287–293.