The perception of sexuality after the age of 60 years Medellín, Colombia
Aging, Older Adult, Medellín, Sexuality.Abstract
Sexuality is inherent and accompanies human beings throughout the course of life, transcends the sexual act, to address aspects of physical, emotional and cultural order. Objective. To analyze the factors associ- ated with the perception of sexuality according to demographic, emotional and psychological characteristics in people over 60 years of age. Materials and methods. A quantitative, analytical, observational study was conducted, with a primary source of information, to 665 people aged 60 and over, from the city of Medellin, in 2018. The demographic, emotional and psychological characteristics that allowed to know their percep- tion about sexuality. X2 association measures were calculated and as epidemiological measures, crude and adjusted prevalence ratios. Results. People who never felt sad considered sexuality important (69.4%), men with a stable partner, who do not feel alone, with social support also considered it important. Conclusions. The importance in the sexuality of the older person is determined by moods, emotional stability and social integration.
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