Characteristics of academic tutoring in a digital writing center for secondary education




Resource center, Writing, Secondary education, Educational technology, Tutorial.


Academic tutoring is a distinctive service of writing centers compared to other strategies to promote and strengthen reading and writing at school. The purpose of this article is to identify the accompaniment strategies developed by the tutors during the services offered by two Digital Writing Centers (DWC) in secondary education. The method used was the case study, in which two educational institutions, one public and one private, from Medellín, Colombia, participated. For the analysis of the information, the graphics of the coordinates of the centroid and the percentage, reach, and frequency by case size were used. The results show that the strategies used corresponded to the institutional realities and the service offered by the DWC. In the conclusion, it is stated that the tutorings are an orientation strategy of academic writing, complementary to the classroom work that is developed in the different areas and subjects of the school curriculum of secondary education.


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Author Biography

Gerzon Yair Calle Álvarez, Universidad de Antioquia

Licenciado en Español y Literatura, Magíster en Educación y  Doctor en Educación, de la Universidad de Antioquia. Profesor de cátedra e integrante del grupo de investigación: Didáctica y Nuevas Tecnologías de la misma universidad.


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How to Cite

Calle Álvarez, G. Y. (2020). Characteristics of academic tutoring in a digital writing center for secondary education. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 11(2), 430–455.



Research article