
  • Heiner Mercado Percia Universidad EAFIT




In the Presentation of the previous edition it was realized, through the exhibition of some passages of Gadamer and Orwell, of a concern for the great power that the word has in itself and of the relationship between power and word in the field of research in the social sciences. In the quoted text of Gadamer, the German philosopher inquires about the word "authentic", whose ser-vice he is the maker of truth, not as adaequatío reí et intellectus, but as creator and founder of meaning. As Cadavid (2018) points out, the question about the authentic word "(...) no inquires about the problem of truth but about the possibility that the word has to be her same "(page 7). Consecutively, the allusion to Orwell aimed to highlight the need to return to the facts, since words can be used to hide reality. This back the facts is not a positivist call, but a means to highlight the phenomenon of post-truth.


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How to Cite

Mercado Percia, H. (2018). GOD RUMOR IN THE AGE OF POST-TRUTH. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 9(2), 292. https://doi.org/10.21501/22161201.2837