Presentation Vol. 8 Issue 1




Health Psychology, Sociology, Collective Memory, History, Education, Migration, Exile


It is with great joy that we share with our readers the fact that our journal has been included in new databases of high prestige. Our journal can now be consulted online at Web of Science, Ulrich web, ERIH Plus, EBSCO, CLASE and we are also members of the Latin American Human Social Science Association of Academic journals. There is also the recognition of our Institution as Universidad Católica Luis Amigó given by the Ministry of Education, that came as a result of cooperative research work and publications. Our celebration is the result of hard work to provide high-quality services and products.

We are pleased to present an issue that focuses on questions based on emerging situations that come about as a result of the imperative and domineering discourses of our time; which have become research objects. As usual, there are different topics from different disciplines. In honor of our multidisciplinary approach this issue includes contribution of research papers from the fields of law, psychology, sociology, anthropology, history and social geography, education, social work, political sciences and psychiatry. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.


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Author Biography

Sonia Natalia Cogollo-Ospina, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Psychologist, Especialist in General Management, Magister in Colombian Literature, PhD. Candidate in Arts


Bourdieu, P. (1988). La distinción. Criterios y bases sociales del gusto. Madrid: Taurus.

Rousseau, J. J. (1762/1999). El contrato social. Madrid: Jorge A. Mestas.



How to Cite

Cogollo-Ospina, S. N. (2017). Presentation Vol. 8 Issue 1. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 8(1), 8–13.


