Closing frontiers, free trade and migration: the Binational area of San Diego and Tijuana as an unexpected result
Mexico, United States, Migration, Border, GlobalizationAbstract
This research project analyzes the emergence of binational areas and cities across the border between the US and Mexico. In this sense, it seems that this phenomenon has experienced a steady and progressive increase in recent times, despite the combination of repressive measures against migration and its association with insecurity and terrorism. It is argued that the binational areas would be a response in part to the growing repression against Latin American migration, and on the other, the result of the blurring of borders for goods and capital between the North American Free Trade Agreement members. However, the San Diego – Tijuana experience does not display a convergence and integrated area in economic and social terms, as data seems to show. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.Downloads
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