Democratic models with emancipatory claims: an invitation to move from the rational to the reasonable




Social Alienation, Democracy, Social Justice


The great debates of A Theory of Justice by John Rawls promotes to determine, what analysts call a political turn of his thinking; which is materialized in the Political Liberalism. There, Rawls consolidates a model of consensus democracy, controverting, and moving away from the doctrinaire liberalism. Hence; the hypothesis to develop in this document is an analysis about the passage of an individualistic liberal conception of an agent of A Theory of Justice, to a person’s political conception of Political Liberalism that favors a critical reading of the subsequent emergence of theories about democracy as an instrument of emancipation. Once, all of this puts the alienator nature of the idea of rationality that has led to self-destruction of the Enlightenment project as emancipatory ideology. All of this; moreover, leads to reflect on what constitutes a fair regime, charged question of utmost importance at the juncture of searches for negotiate solutions to the armed conflict in Colombia. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.


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Author Biography

Mariluz Nova Laverde, Universidad de La Salle

Economista, Magíster en Filosofía, Doctora en Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales. Docente-Investigadora de la Universidad de La Salle, FCAyC.


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How to Cite

Nova Laverde, M. (2016). Democratic models with emancipatory claims: an invitation to move from the rational to the reasonable. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 7(2), 388–403.



Research article