Parental control and suicidal attempts in Mexican adolescents


  • Maritza Guadalupe Domínguez Velázquez Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas
  • Diana Betancourt Ocampo Universidad Anáhuac México Norte
  • José Luis Cañas Martínez Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas


Parental control, Supervision, Psychological Control, Adolescents, Suicide Attempt


The purpose of this study is to analyze differences in parental control among adolescents who have and have not attempted suicide. A non-probabilistic sample of 507 adolescents (54,3% male and 45,7% female), high school students, ranging between 11 to 15 years of age were selected. The Betancourt Scale for Adolescent Parental Control (2007) was used to obtain the data. This scale consists of two scales, one for mothers and one for fathers. The maternal scale is made up of five dimensions: psychological control, communication, monitoring, overprotection and supervision friends. The paternal scale includes seven dimensions: behavioral control, psychological control, overprotection, reasoning, punishment, physical punishment and permissiveness. Both scales are Likert with four multiple choice answers, ranging from never to always. The suicide attempt was assessed with five frequency indicators, the method that was employed, and the reason for it, the age and the graveness. The results showed that 11,2% of adolescents reported at least one suicide attempt in their lifetime, while 4,4% said they had tried more than once. Student t tests for independent samples were performed, with the purpose of comparing those who have attempted suicide and have no regard to the dimensions of parental control. The results showed significant differences, so we can say that generally young people who have attempted suicide perceived greater psychological control and less behavioral control from their parents than those who have not attempted suicide. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.


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Author Biography

Diana Betancourt Ocampo, Universidad Anáhuac México Norte

PhD. Universidad Anáhuac


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How to Cite

Domínguez Velázquez, M. G., Betancourt Ocampo, D., & Cañas Martínez, J. L. (2014). Parental control and suicidal attempts in Mexican adolescents. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 5(2), 240–252. Retrieved from