Depression: crossroads between the new modalities of the being and the pharmaceutical apparatus
Depression, Individual, Emancipation, Guilt, Marketing, Anti-DepressiveAbstract
Based on the thesis of the sociologist Alain Ehrenberg depression settled in Western societies as a result of the consequences of the new types of individuals. The emancipation and sovereignty from the beginning of the Century of Light brought new mind ailments. Neurasthenia is the first “epidemic” as a result of these anthropological mutations. Neurosis and psychoanalysis show that depression and other ailments in ordinary people are but the result of a price to pay when entering civilization. For Ehrenberg, depression which is the contemporary epidemic is the face of an eclipse between guilt and interior conflict, favoring an openness of infinite possibilities and the personal sacredness as new ideals which make the personality and the identity, depression is a dysfunction which does not allow one to become oneself. However, Ehrenberg´s theses do not take into account the efforts of the pharmaceutical industry or the marketing strategies created to modify costumes, nor the medical knowledge, facilitating the explosion of the diagnosis and self diagnosis of this controversial illness. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.Downloads
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