The social resources in the Wayuu indigineus territories of the municipality of Riohacha (Guajira, Colombia)


  • Erótida Beatríz Mejía Curiel
  • José Luis Ramos Ruíz


Social Capital, Wayuu Indigenous Territories, Riohacha


The article is based on research done on Social Resources in the Wayuu indigenous territories of the municipality of Riohacha, Colombia. Its aim was to analyze the elements that characterize the Social Resources in these communities. To obtain information, quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. The research was descriptive-explanatory and applied techniques were survey, focus group and interview. The results show that the population of these territories has their basic needs unsatisfied. In the social cohesion, it is observed that blood ties are of the most important relevance. In terms of civic and political participation, they are more likely to participate in political activities than other type. They trust both themselves and their families, and practice solidarity in a high level. It was concluded that the wayuu community has a great potential for social resources accumulated, demonstrated in their daily actions. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.


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How to Cite

Mejía Curiel, E. B., & Ramos Ruíz, J. L. (2014). The social resources in the Wayuu indigineus territories of the municipality of Riohacha (Guajira, Colombia). Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Sociales, 5(1), 39–54. Retrieved from