What are the viewers’ reviews and emotions in Filmaffinity? A netnographic analysis
https://doi.org/10.21501/22161201.4038Palabras clave:
Cinema, Ratings, Audience, Empirical research, NetnographyResumen
The increasing importance of online user feedback is also influencing the film industry business. This work analyses the perceptions of film audience in Spain major using netnography. A total of 2187 opinions collected in a specialized film forum have been analyzed through factorial analysis of simple correspondences. The two dimensions obtained, together with the other results, show the importance of intrinsic variables. The first dimension allows to identify the personal action against the so-called environment. The second dimension contrasts positive perceptions against negative ones, allowing to detect market opportunities associated with a good soundtrack and a good plot. This second axis will also facilitate the detection of the worst rated films.
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