Educational contributions of the school-family link: A reflective documentary proposal


  • Alexander Rodríguez Bustamante Universidad Católica Luis Amigó image/svg+xml



Educational environment, Education, Family, Parent-school relationship, Student-school relationship


The maturation of scientific production regarding the understanding of the family-school link is ongoing. Given the power of information collected regarding this relationship, this article proposes a reflection that identifies educational contributions for society at all levels, giving life to seven aspects: involvement, educational advantage, connectivity/parental connection, interpersonal skills/emotional training, agency capacity, citizenship education and sense of belonging. It is concluded that family-school cooperation humanizes and acts in pursuit of well-being and good living.


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Author Biography

Alexander Rodríguez Bustamante , Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Profesional en Desarrollo familiar. Especialista en Terapia familiar. Especialista en Docencia investigativa universitaria. Magíster en Educación y desarrollo humano.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Bustamante , A. . (2024). Educational contributions of the school-family link: A reflective documentary proposal. Poiésis, (46), 23–32.



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