Publicación semestral
No. 23 (2020)Lámpsakos Edición No. 23 enero- junio: Investigación orientada a la innovación -
16 Issue: Engineering Notes
No. 16 (2016)Presentation of scientific articles with implications in the development and technological innovation with research results, written by researchers of recognized trajectory at national and international level.
Updated Version = December 2016.
Issue 16 = Semester II of 2016
Issue 12: Research with Applications to Engineering
No. 12 (2014)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director / Editor in Chief = Gabriel Jaime Correa-Henao
Updated Versión = June, 2014
Issue 11: Original Engineering Research
No. 11 (2014)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director / Editor in Chief = Gabriel Jaime Correa-Henao
Updated Versión = December, 2013
Issue 10: Advances on Engineering
No. 10 (2013)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director / Editor in Chief = Gabriel Jaime Correa-Henao
Updated Versión = June, 2013
Issue 9: Research on Engineering Topics
No. 9 (2013)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director / Editor in Chief = Gabriel Jaime Correa-Henao
Updated Versión = December, 2012
Issue 8: Research on Systems and Informatics
No. 8 (2012)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director = Jorge Mario Gaviria-Hincapié
Editor in Chief = Íngrid Durley Torres-Pardp
Updated Versión = December, 2012
Issue 7: Knowledge for Society
No. 7 (2012)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director / Editor in Chief = Íngrid Durley Torres-Pardo
Updated Versión = June, 2012
Issue 6: Difussion of Research Papers and Investigative Reflexions
No. 6 (2011)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director = Jorge Mario Gaviria-Hincapié
Editor in Chief = Gabriel Jaime Correa-Henao
Updated Versión = December, 2011
Issue 5: Research on Computer Science
No. 5 (2011)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director = Luis Fernando Vargas-Cano
Editor in Chief = Edgar Serna
Updated Versión = December, 2011
Issue 4: New Science Frontiers
No. 4 (2010)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director =Luis Fernando Vargas-Cano
Editor in Chief = Edgar Serna
Updated Versión = June, 2010
Issue 3: Applications of Different Engineering Researchs
No. 3 (2010)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director =Luis Fernando Vargas-Cano
Editor in Chief = Edgar Serna
Updated Versión = December, 2009
Issue 2: Problem Solutions by Means of Engineering
No. 2 (2009)Presentation of scientific papers with implications on both research and development with investigative results, written by researchers worldwide.
Director =Luis Fernando Vargas-Cano
Editor in Chief = Edgar Serna
Updated Versión = June, 2009