A Proposal of T-Learning: Using Artificial Intelligence Planning and Ontological Reasoning


  • Íngrid Durley Torres-Pardo Docente Investigador Insitución Salazar y Herrera
  • Jaime Alberto Guzmán-Luna Doctor en Ingeniería de Sistemas, Docente de Planta, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Grupo de Investigación SINTELWEB, Medellín-Colombia
  • Miguel Alberto Becerra MSc Ingeniería de Control y Automatización Grupo de Investigación GEA, Institución Universitaria Salazar y Herrera




T-learning, AI Planning, Ontological Reasoning, differences of meanings, automated processes.


This paper focuses on the proposition of how to use the techniques of Planning in Artificial Intelligence in conjunction with Ontological Reasoning in t-learning environments, in order to i) achieve automating processes such as, the presentation and adaption of the Learning Objects or the educational applications (composed of Learning Object); ii) address the differences of terms and meanings that can occur between multiple viewers, finally, iii) allow the reuse of learning objects in different contexts.


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Author Biographies

Íngrid Durley Torres-Pardo, Docente Investigador Insitución Salazar y Herrera

Ingrid-Durley Torres received her Ms.C. degree from the Faculty of system engineering, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin Campus.  Where actually is Ph.D Student and working as teacher research at Institución Salazar y Herrera from Medellin, Colombia. Her topic investigation are Artificial Intelligence (planning, semantic web, e-learning).

Jaime Alberto Guzmán-Luna, Doctor en Ingeniería de Sistemas, Docente de Planta, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Grupo de Investigación SINTELWEB, Medellín-Colombia

Doctor en Ingeniería de Sistemas, Docente de Planta, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Grupo de Investigación SINTELWEB, Medellín-Colombia

Miguel Alberto Becerra, MSc Ingeniería de Control y Automatización Grupo de Investigación GEA, Institución Universitaria Salazar y Herrera

MSc Ingeniería de Control y AutomatizaciónGrupo de Investigación GEA, Institución Universitaria Salazar y Herrera 


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How to Cite

Torres-Pardo, Íngrid D., Guzmán-Luna, J. A., & Becerra, M. A. (2013). A Proposal of T-Learning: Using Artificial Intelligence Planning and Ontological Reasoning. Lámpsakos, (10), 52–58. https://doi.org/10.21501/21454086.980



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