
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The authors are in accordance with the editorial policy of the journal (You may also fill out the Copyrights).
  • The manuscript is sent in format compatible with OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, WordPerfect, or PDF (Adjusting to the template).
  • The manuscript is single-spaced double-column. The font size is Arial or Time New Roman size 10; Titles and subtitles are properly numbered ; All illustrations, figures and tables within the text in their proper place and not at the end of the document.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements listed in the guidelines for authors/en, with at least 15 scientific references that follow the IEEE format, including web addresses to online references, either DOI or URL links.
  • The authors agree in the fact that the manuscript will be subject to academic peer blind reviewing

Author Guidelines

The journal Lámpsakos is a publication attached to the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín Colombia. Its objective is to disseminate original and unpublished articles as results of scientific and technological research in the areas of engineering. Its periodicity is continuous with national and international scope, has free access online circulation, published under standards of scientific rigor and editorial quality. For this purpose, it considers articles that meet the guidelines of this guide; for this reason, the continuity of the postulated texts is subject to the understanding and acceptance of the authors of the journal's policies, as well as to the fulfillment of the criteria described below.

Academic training and affiliation of authors

Articles are received from authors with an academic level of specialization, masters, doctorate and postdoctoral degrees, and from postgraduate students who write in co-authorship with professors or qualified researchers at any of the mentioned levels.

To ensure institutional exogamy, the publication of texts by external authors to the Luis Amigó Catholic University will prevail, without downplaying the priority to the quality of the content.

Language and typology of articles

Articles may be original and unpublished, written in Spanish, English or Portuguese, as long as their structure responds to one of the types described by the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation - Colciencias in the Indexing Guidance Document, issued in February 2010 (p. 7), which are cited in this section:

  1. Article of scientific and technological research. Document that presents, in detail, the original results of finished research projects. The structure contains six important parts: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and references.
  2. Reflection article derived from research. Document that presents results of finished research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
  3. Review article. Document emerged from a finished investigation where the results of published or unpublished research on a field in science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful literature review of at least 50 references.

Although the magazine privileges the three types of articles described above, it also considers:

  1. Case Report. Document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to make public the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a commented systematic review of the literature on similar cases.
  2. Letters to the editor. Critical, analytical or interpretative positions on the documents published in the journal, which in the opinion of the Editorial Committee constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the topic by the scientific community of reference (Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation - Colciencias in the indexing guidance document, issued in February 2010 (pp. 7-8).

Each number will be headed by:

  1. Presentation. Document written by the editor; it accounts for the purposes of the magazine and the articles that make up the particular number.
  2. Editorial. Text that includes guidance and reflections on the thematic domain of the magazine written by a member of the committees or a guest researcher.

Exceptionally book reviews will be published, which should be written by a recognized author-researcher and be related to texts that are considered important for the disciplines covered by the journal. By decision of the Editorial committee, reviews may take the place of the editorial.


Characteristics of document forms

Manuscripts wishing to participate in the calls must meet the following requirements:

  • Word format, in letter size.
  • 2 cm margins on each side.
  • Arial font size 10 single space in double column.
  • All figures and tables are placed within the text after they have been mentioned in the text (not before). Tables do not have lines separating cells.
  • The minimum length is 7,000 words and the maximum is 10,000, including tables, illustrations and notes, and except references.
  • Bibliographic numbering according to IEEE format. All citations in the manuscript must be noted in the bibliographic references. There should not be either isolated bibliographic references that are not cited within the body of the manuscript. Each article must include at least 15 bibliographic references of scientific quality, with their respective URL or DOI links.
  • The article title is written in capitals, bold and centered. The subtitles are written in bold and aligned to the left, with the first word in initial capital letter - the others in lower case, except for proper names. The titles will be bold, italic and capitalized only in the initial letter.


Indications for drafting

The use of secondary citation and “citation of a citation” should be avoided; it is recommended to quote original authors and works. Use a literal quote to present ideas that require precision or discussion.

Recommends the use of the literal citation to present ideas that require precision or discussion of terms.

The title should follow the abstract style with a maximum of 12 words; if there is a subtitle, it should not be over 18 words. The title should identify the topics or variables of the research process. It must include a note at the bottom of the page referring to the name of the research Project which the article is based on, the funding institutions, the project code, phase and beginning and ending dates.

The author´s note (for each of the authors) must include the following information: highest level of academic education, graduate program, institutional filiation, email, ORCID registration number and Google Scholar profile. In case you have not done it, the following tutorial is recommended: It is given that people that sign as authors have contributed to the research process. In order to have more information on who deserves to hold authorship, refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010, p. 18).

The authors must include the bibliographic name and surname, that is, as scientific publications commonly sign. The normalization of this data allows the traceability of the author's production.

The abstract must be analytical and use the following structure: introduction, method, results and discussion in 180 worlds maximum. For reflective papers based on research processes the summary should clearly establish the purpose, the main premises, as well as the thesis and the arguments used. Abstract should never include references nor citations

All keywords without exception must be from the Unesco Thesaurus available at Keywords should be between three and five, separated by ; and written with initial capital letter.

Authors should translate title, abstract and keywords in Spanish and English. The use of web pages or translation software is not recommended.

Article structure: The Introduction must include the research problem, research background and theoretical framework, the hypothesis and specific objectives.  The Method describes the way the problem was studied: characteristics of the study, participants, sample and data collection techniques. The Results show the research findings, tables and figures might be included if needed. In Discussion shows the meaning of results discussing with research background and theorethical framework. The Conclusions present the author’s voice, the implications that the research might have as well as the practical or theoretical contributions to a specific field. Any technical help regarding supporting activities such as data collection and introduction, recruiting participants, providing suggestions on the analytical analysis or proofreading and analyzing the article, financial support like a grant merits an Acknowledgment section. Finally, the References should include all the works that were mentioned in the article. It is important to compare the references with the original material, so no information is omitted and is easier to find by including DOI or URL if possible.

Citation and references structures

References are made up in IEEE format, The references are conformed by studies that are cited directly and indirectly along the text. It is important to verify that the authorship is respected about how the authors sign; it means that if they sign including two surnames, they should appear in both, cites and references. Also it is necessary to follow the authors ́ appearance in the consulted sources, because it obeys to the contribution extent in the research. The citation sequence in the references section should be done according to the alphabet order based on last name, instead of citation sequence itself in the article.

Short direct cite: it is when any author ́s idea is reproduced literally at 39 words maximum. No term of the text should be modified, and if any comment or addition is applied, it has to be put into brackets. A short cite should also be put into quotes, and followed by parenthesis in order to include the surnames of the authors, year, and number of pages where the direct cite was taken from. This kind of cites will never be written in italics and whichever emphasis should contain authorship (in both cases, if it comes from an original source or is just an emphasis). Example: “It is endlessly more comfortable for each one of us to think that wickedness is out of us [Italics], so we have nothing in common with the demons that have commited it” [1].

The corresponding reference is the following:

  • Yousefian y S. Kamalasadan, "A Lyapunov function based optimal hybrid power system controller for improved transient stability", Electric Power System Research, vol. 137, pp. 6-15, 2016. DOI:


Direct cites that surpass 40 words: This kind of cites are written in an isolated paragraph with no quotes or italics. With the purpose of an accurate identification for diagramming, in Lámpsakos journal, they are written in number 10 font, and no quotes. To conclude the cite, a period should be added before and after the reference in parenthesis.


People detection is done at the beginning of the guide application, when the robot is at the reception and waiting for any user. The detection algorithm verifies the presence of a face in the vision area, so if it detects one, the robot will start interaction by inviting the user to use its services. The user who wants to use the service will have to pose himself in front of the robot and use a touchpad functions, this will allow that the vision algorithm detects and saves the dominant color of the user that will be the closest to the robot. The facial detection algorithm works out at an average frequency of 10Hz  [3].

The corresponding reference is the following:

  • L. Luna, E. R. Palacios and A. Marín, “A Fuzzy Speed Controller for a Guide Robot Using an HRI Approach”, IEEE Latin America Transactions, vol. 16, no. 8, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TLA.2018.8528222


Paraphrasing or indirect cite: this type of cites take and reproduce ideas from an original source. However, the ideas are written on the author's words. They are used to expose general ideas. Example: El trabajo de [4] intenta potenciar una mirada objetiva del avance de la tecnología VoIP, con comparaciones actualizadas de diferentes servicios ofertados a la fecha.

The corresponding reference is the following:

[4] M. D. Núñez Cuadrado, C. A. Jativa Huilcapi y R. A. Lara Cueva, "Evaluación del desempeño de la tecnología VoIP en un set de servicio extendido, en concordancia con IEEE 802.11g," Sistemas y Telemática, vol. 5, no. 42, pp. 85-100, no. 46, pp. 28-35, 2017.


Books: citing this kind of reference implies to write; names initials, author ́s surname, title of the book in italics, edition, publication setting, publishing house, year of publication.


  • G. Gallager. Principles of Digital Communication. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.


Journal article: referencing implies to write; names initials and author ́s surname, title of the article among “quotes”, title of the journal in italics, volume (abbreviation vol.), number (abbreviation - no.), pages, (abbreviation pp.), year.


  • Liu, K. Y. Lee, and H. F. Jordan, "TDM and TWDM de Brujin networks and suffflenets for optical communications," IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 46, pp. 695-701, June 1997.

To reference papers that have not been accepted for publication, the following phrase should be used “admitted for publication”, instead of putting the date. If they have been accepted and not published yet, the phrase is “to be published”, instead of putting the date.

Articles published in lectures. Use the following format: name initials and author ́s surname (s), “Lecture article title”, full name of the lecture in italics, abbreviated name of the lecture (if it does exist), city, lecture host country, year, pages where the article will be found (abbreviated pp.).


  • Osifchin and G. Vau, "Power considerations for the modernization of telecommunications in Central and Eastern European and former Soviet Union” CEE/FSU), in Second International Telecommunications Energy Special Conference, 1997, pp. 9-16.
  • Caire, D. Burshtein, and S. Shamai (Shitz), "LDPC coding for interference mitigation at the transmitter," in Proceedings of the 40th Annual Allerton Conference in Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Italia, october 2002, pp. 217-226.

NOTE: the word “in” before the title of the conference will be upright, instead of italics.


Article presented in a lecture, pending of publication. Use the following format: name initials and author ́s surname, “Title of the lecture”, include the word -presented at-, full name of the lecture in italics, abbreviated name of the lecture (if it does exist), city and lecture host country, year.


  • A. Nimr, "Defuzzification of the outputs of fuzzy controllers", presented at 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Cairo, Egypt, 1996.


Technical reports (internal documents, memoranda, reports): to reference in this way, use: name initials and author ́s surname, “Title of the report”, name of the company, company's branch, type of report (abbreviated), report number, date of publication.


  • E. Elliot and C. M. Greene, "A local adaptive protocol", Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, France, Tech. Rep. 916-1010-BB, 1997.

Doctoral or master's thesis: to reference this kind of text, follow the next route: name initials and author ́s surname, “Title of the thesis or project”, type of document (PhD thesis, master ́s thesis, etc.), Department, Academic Institution, city, country, year.


  • Zhang, "Delay-insensitive networks", master thesis, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canadá, 1997.
  • -C. Wu. "Rate-distortion analysis and digital transmission of nonstationary images", doctoral dissertation, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, USA, 1998.

When the text is taken from the internet, use: name initials and author ́s surname (year, month, day), title, edition.


  • Jones. (1991, May 10). Networks (2nd ed.)

NOTE: resources that are taken from the internet can be widely varied (journals, monographs, corporate web sites, databases, etc.). They should be cited like the printed document to which they make part, adding the word DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or URL.

Catalogues: to cite catalogues, use: Catalogue No., Catalogue code, the name of the product, Company, City, State.


  • Catalog no. NWM-1, Microwave Components, M. W. Microwave Corp., Brooklyn, New York.


Standards or patents: to cite this kind of document, use: name initials and author ́s surname, “Title of the patent”, number, month, day, year.


  • Kimura and A. Lipeles, "Fuzzy Controller Component,"; U. S. Patent 14,860,040, December 14, 1996.


Article delivery:

  • The articles should be sent through the Open Journal of the journal:, do the registration of databases required there.
  • The information required should never be written in all caps.
  • Proper and single names are written in initial capital letters.
  • Make sure of inserting references correctly, according to IEEE rules.
  • It is important to verify that authorship guide is followed.
  • Read the behavior policies; there you should agree on participating in editing and publication processes, which include not only documentation supply, but also authorization for personal data management and improvements to the proposal of publication.
  • If the article has been sent to another journal previously, this information should be commented in “Comments to editor”.
  • If any inconsistency about the text delivery, it should be reported at:


Trial revisions

If an article has been accepted for publication after peer-evaluation, the next step will be to make the necessary corrections about publication guidelines. The document should be sent to the authors for the corresponding revision, approval or comments, so diagramming is able for the next step. Once the article is diagrammed, it will be sent to the authors with the purpose of revising typing mistakes. Content editing and material addition will not be allowed in any case.


Incluye la siguiente clasificación de artículos:

Revisión de tema. Documento resultado de la revisión crítica de la literatura sobre un tema en particular.
Cartas al editor. Posiciones críticas, analíticas o interpretativas sobre los documentos publicados en la revista, que a juicio del Comité editorial constituyen un aporte importante a la discusión del tema por parte de la comunidad científica de referencia.
Editorial .Documento escrito por el editor, un miembro del comité editorial o un investigador invitado sobre orientaciones en el dominio temático de la revista.

Articles of scientific and technological research

Article of scientific and technological research. Document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally contains four important parts: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Critical Analysis Articles

Document that presents finished research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, about a specific topic, using original sources.

Review articles

Resulting document from a completed investigation, which analyze, systematize and integrate the results of a research, published or unpublished, in a field of science or technology, in order to account for the advances and development trends. It is characterized by a careful literature review of at least 50 references.

Case report and/or divulgation articles not derivaded of a research

4. Short article. Brief document presenting original or preliminary results of a scientific or technological research, which usually require an early publication.

5. Case report. Document presenting the results of a study on a particular situation in order to show the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes an annotated systematic review of the literature on similar cases.

6. Theme review. Document resulting from the critical review of the literature on a particular topic.

7. Letters to the editor. Critical, analytical or interpretative positions on the documents published in the journal that, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the topic by the scientific community of reference.

Privacy Statement

Authors’ compromises and right´s session. When the editor verifies the compliance of the minimum requirements, the editor will request the authors for: I). A declaration where the author confirms the article’s originality and that the article does not have evaluation processes in other journals. II). Do not move away from the article after the peers’ evaluation, if they determine the publication´s viability, even though in its actual state or with modifications. III). A declaration of the inexistence of conflict interests. The authors must manifest the cession of patrimonial rights to Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. IV). The authorization of personal data treatment.

Author´s data publication. When the article is sent, they are accepting the publication of the personal data related in the authors ‘note.

Authorization of personal data treatment. The Universidad Católica Luis Amigó as the responsible entity of the personal data treatment and giving compliance to Ley 1581 de 2012 and el decreto 1377 de 2013, manifests that the personal data of the members of comities, evaluators, and authors are included in the institutional databases and are only of university exclusive use. According to the privacy policy, that you can review at our webpage, the data are not shared to foreign people without the author’s permission. In addition, the university has the technological media to claim the data in safety and reliable way. 

According to the last statement, is an obligation during the edition process to give the authorization to Universidad Católica Luis Amigó for the treatment of personal data, for the own university objectives.   

Privacy declaration. All authors ‘data, committees, evaluators, and other members of Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales that are introduce in the OJS platform and/or in the articles will be used exclusively for the inclusion of the journal on the indexing and summary systems and the aims declared by the journal and they will not be available for other purposes or person.   

Closing edition. The article´s reception is permanent, but the journal establishes as closing dates for the articles´ sections the second Friday of march for the corresponding number to the period July – December; and the second Friday of September for the number that is published in January – June. Sice those terms, the journal starts the process of correction, diagraming, and the other processes. Due to the high number of articles that the journal receives, the revision and evaluation activities are done in the order that the journal receive the papers, the time between the reception and the publication is six months.

Ethics committee approval. With the objective of evidence that the journal has the required permission of the juridical and natural persons related in the research, each article must send to the journal a copy of the ethics committee approval.