On humiliation and contempt as forms of moral evil


  • Edison Francisco Viveros Chavarría Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó




Humiliation, contempt, moral evil, morality, morals, ethics


The problem to be posed in this paper is that, if there is an affective and at the same time rational response that gives a place to indignation for the precarious life of others, refusing any practice of humiliation and contempt, then a good and morally plausible life can be more extensive. In this sense, the thesis of this text is: the moral attitude of indignation implies the ability to experience and accept that humiliation and contempt are forms of moral evil that can be established in one's own life and in the relationship between human beings. It is concluded that a life is dignified if and only if it is treated from the value it has in itself and consequently a society shows its moral status if it creates mechanisms to respect people in their dignity


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How to Cite

Viveros Chavarría, E. F. (2023). On humiliation and contempt as forms of moral evil. Poiésis, (44), 87–95. https://doi.org/10.21501/16920945.4512



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