We are three, four or more (+): Towards the construction of free sexual bonds


  • Manuela Gallo Botero Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Gloria Amparo Fernández Arango
  • Kelly Alejandra Correa Gallego
  • Paula Andrea Carmona Duque
  • Yuri Vanessa Montero Duque
  • Gloria María López Arboleda




Bond, Couples, Love, Polygamy, Relationship, Sexual bonding, Sexuality


The couple's relationship is permeated by many meanings that go through the different sexual dynamics and the formation of bonds, in search of meaning, since immemorial times. This article aims to offer an approach to understand the new dynamics of sexual bonding, in stable couples in Latin America, in the last decade of the 21st century. Based on a documentary review, the article presents the new forms of love that have existed through time, showing that, although they are immersed in beliefs, cultures, and society itself, they still are taboo, accompanied, in addition, by a great lack of information about it. The article begins by showing the historical transits of sexuality as a couple, passing through the reflection of the romantic and sexual affective bond, to culminate with a dissertation on the various non-monogamous sexual practices. Lastly, the article concludes with an invitation to understand the resignify sexual life as a couple, oriented towards new transformations, meanings, and novel ways of seeing and experiencing love and sexuality.


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How to Cite

Gallo Botero, M., Fernández Arango, G. A. ., Correa Gallego, K. A. ., Carmona Duque, P. A. ., Montero Duque, Y. V. ., & López Arboleda, G. M. . (2022). We are three, four or more (+): Towards the construction of free sexual bonds. Poiésis, (43), 59–66. https://doi.org/10.21501/16920945.4372



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