ANFIS Application for Time Series Forecasting
Forecasting, Time Series, Uncertainty, ANFIS Networks, Neuro-Fuzzy Nets, Stock Market Analysis.Abstract
This paper shows a Neuro-Fuzzy methodology which is applied to the financial problem of stock market forecasting in the short time, whose results can be used as a reference for speculative investments in Colombian stock exchange market as a complement to technical and fundamental analysis. Moreover, the development of an ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Based Fuzzy Inference System) MATLAB language based tool is presented. Such tool is founded on a heuristic combination of both neural networks and fuzzy logic, with consideration on the number and type of membership functions for input variables. The decision maker can trust in the model reliability by means of the calculation given by the error residual method. Some other measures are also defined to verify reliability of the predictions, including the average square error and the standard deviation that are directly calculated from the model itself.Downloads
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