Ceramic waste in semi-dense asphalt mixtures: alternatives for low traffic roads in Colombia



  • Norma Cristina Solarte Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Alfredo García Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Diego Darío Pérez Ruíz Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • María Fernanda Serrano Guzmán Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Carlos Alonso Troyano Universitat Politècnica de València




Road, Ceramic, Glass, Waste, Residue, Asphalt, Mix Design, Rural Development, Regional Development, Recycling, Improvement


The condition of the road infrastructure in rural areas is precarious in developing countries and it is common to find roads built using materials such as concrete and rarely with flexible pavement. This study proposes the use of ceramic waste as aggregates in percentages of 30% and 35% in semi-dense asphalt mixtures prepared according to the standards of the National Road Institute in Colombia. Marshall tests of susceptibility, deformation and dynamic modules were performed, finding that 30% replacements showed the best behavior for low traffic roads.


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How to Cite

Solarte, N. C., García , A., Pérez Ruíz, D. D., Serrano Guzmán, M. F., & Troyano, C. A. . (2022). Ceramic waste in semi-dense asphalt mixtures: alternatives for low traffic roads in Colombia: English. Lámpsakos, (26). https://doi.org/10.21501/21454086.4114



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