Numerical analysis of the over-expanded flow in the experimental conical nozzle ULA-1B out of design


  • San Luis Baudilio Tolentino Masgo Centro de Estudios Energéticos, Universidad Nacional Politécnica "Antonio José de Sucre" Vice-Rectorado Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar, Venezuela. Grupo de Modelamiento Matemático y Simulación Numérica, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú.
  • Omar González Campos Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán, Huánuco, Perú. Grupo de Modelamiento Matemático y Simulación Numérica, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú.



Oblique shock, Fluctuation, Over-expanded flow, Throat length, RANS model, Turbulence model, Flow pattern, Flow separation, Simulation, Conical nozzle.


In supersonic nozzles, different flow patterns occur and their behavior is influenced by the geometries of the internal surfaces of the walls. In the present work, the over-expanded flow field is simulated in 2D in the experimental ULA-1B conical nozzle out of design, for two cases of throat lengths:Lg =15 mm and Lg= 1 mm; in order to analyze the field of Mach number, pressure and temperature. The ANSYS-Fluent code was used and the RANS model was applied; the governing equations: conservation of mass, momentum, energy, and state; as well as the Menter turbulence model and the Sutherland equation for the viscosity as a function of temperature. In the longest throat section, the results showed oblique shocks, speed, pressure and temperature fluctuations; for the shorter throat there were no fluctuations; for both cases, the flow in the divergent presented speed peaks in the range of 2,5 - 3 Mach. It is concluded that, for the shorter throat length, the flow accelerates without disturbances in said section; in the divergent there is a supersonic jet and flow separation.


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How to Cite

Tolentino Masgo, S. L. B., & González Campos, O. (2021). Numerical analysis of the over-expanded flow in the experimental conical nozzle ULA-1B out of design. Lámpsakos, (25), e–3836.



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