Development of a mobile and web application that calculates the carbon footprint in the education and transport sector
Software development, Transportation companies, Greenhouse gases (GHG), Carbon footprint, Educational institutions, TIC, Compensation, CO2 emissions, Mobile APP, Agroforestry projects, Web platform.Abstract
The daily activities that man carries out cause the increase of greenhouse gases (GHG), which are naturally found in the atmosphere, but by increasing their concentration, their residence time provides a greater potential for global warming, since its concentrations in the past were lower than the current ones. All industrialized countries generate the largest contribution of these GHGs. Information and communication technologies (ICT) make their contribution to solving this problem with
tools that help determine a CO2 (carbon dioxide) index produced by a specific activity, which is measured in tons per year.
The mobile application and web platform were developed with the agile SCRUM framework, which contains sprints and activities that were grouped into 4 stages. For the development architecture, Microsoft.NET was used, these tools allow
cross-platform developments for different mobile operating systems such as IOS or Android, with the Xamarin module. The results allowed to have a calculation of the CO2 emissions generated, being even more relevant the opportunity to compensate them by means of the good practices adopted by agroforestry systems with introduced or native species
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